Saturday, October 9, 2010

At the beginning...

So, many of my friends have blogs... and many of them have a theme, be it to act as a recruitment aide for a college, or to review movies, to keep us up to date with the news in a fun way, or whatever it may be.  Some of my friends even have a blog just to keep me, and all their other friends, updated with what is happening in their lives and in that mysterious mind of theirs.  I find that exceedingly interesting since just recently I moved away from many of my closest friends and family members to start life on my own.  Therefore, I really do enjoy finding out what they are up to and what they are thinking about by any means necessary.  Blogging seems like a good thing for that.

I think I am creating this blog to act in a mixture of that, themed and without theme.  What I mean is, right before I left my college to start this next part of my life, one of my professors asked me to really pay attention to what it feels like being out on my own for the first time and starting a new job.  Well, I have been out on my own before, living in the same area I do currently.  But he is right.  This time it is different.  This time I have a degree, and I have a future, and I do not have an exactly known time of returning back to my old life.  Sure, I have already bought tickets to fly home for Christmas... but that time line is not the same as what it was before.  I do not have a set ending date as I did with my internships... I am here.  Here to stay for a long time of that is how all of this plays out.

My professor thought that perhaps if I recorded what it feels like, this life as a recent graduate, making my way, starting a new life, a new job; if I recorded it, perhaps someone can learn something from it.  So that is why I am starting this blog... to write down all these musings as I begin this next part of my life, and hopefully anyone who decides to read it will get something out of it... I have a feeling I will be getting something out of it too.

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