Sunday, October 10, 2010

New Keys, New Things, New Dreams..

I suppose this post is more to play catch up than anything else.  It was a week ago that I moved my stuff in to my apartment.  It's funny, there is such a weird and yet strong satisfaction when you realize that you own furniture.  It is not your parents furniture, it is yours.  I mean... I own a bed, a dresser, a desk, a couch, a chair, end tables, coffee tables... COUNTLESS things for the kitchen, it brings about a bizarre sense of accomplishment, of growing up. However it also adds to the burden of packing and moving everything.

Thankfully I have family that helped with that. The day before the move saw myself struggling to close one chapter of my life.  You see, I have been working at my College after graduation on some contracts and then helping a professor and personal friend there revamp a course. It was hard to leave that day after work, and say goodbye to so many friends that who knows when I shall see them again.  My boss, the one I was helping with the course, provided a never ending line of food that kept people coming in and out all day, wishing me the best.  It was exactly the kind of thing you hope for when you are about to step off the precipice and into the unknown. It was hardest to say goodbye to her though.  For all intent and purpose, she was another mother to me.  My mother on campus, with whom I could get away with saying or talking about anything with.  It is strange not being able just to walk in to her office now...

Anyway, on 1 October, I left college life, for awhile at least, and headed home to help my father and a neighbor pack.  It took us 4 hours to load my Uncle's catering truck that we were using as a moving van.  I was certain that we were not going to fit everything in, but we did!  :-)!  Thanks Grandpa Gary for that! :).  It was a weird feeling then, also, to see everything packed into a place that was seeming too small to fit everything, all your clothes, and furniture, and things.

Exceedingly early on Saturday the second, we started out to make the move! After about 400 miles, we had achieved our goal, and with in a matter of minutes I had a set of keys in my hand and I was making my way up into my new apartment, my parents began unpacking and I ran through the inspection with one of the leasing professionals.  Than for the next several hours, it was all a business of moving...

At the end of the day.  Sitting down when it was done, seeing everything in it's place, and everything set out, it was like opening a new book, but realizing there is nothing written on the page.  That is what the first few days living here on my own have felt like too.  It seems like until this point in my life, there has been a script.  I had been following some guideline, but now, that safety net isn't there anymore.  I am seated with a bunch of blank pages I have to fill.... It's strange, kind of horrifying, but exhilarating at the same time.

This is my new beginning.

1 comment:

  1. "Oh Lord, You have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up, You know my every thought when far away. You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment You know where I am. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord. You both precede and follow me. You place Your hand of blessing on my head. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great for me to know!" Psalm 139:1-6 (More to come)
    This seemed so right for you today :)
