Monday, October 11, 2010

With a little help from my friends...

So, I have been living here, on my own, for almost a week now... and it's weird but to an extent, it really is like a new chapter of your life.  You really do not see the faces that you used to see, and some friends that you had, seem gone now.  Of coarse, there are others that may even surprise you with how willing they are to remain in contact with you.  Thank goodness for the world we live in now!  Texts, calls, and even facebook can provide all the connection we need.  It has been really helpful since I have been gone to have all of those connections still.  It reminds me that even though I have left the place geographically, I did not have to leave everything there... I did not even have to leave the me I was there.  I am still that person, just more room to grow, and those people, those who keep reaching out to me... they are still part of my present, I did not just leave them in my past.

And the past is a funny thing... One of the most, semi-ironic things that happened to me lately involves my past quite throughly.  When I started college, I was not even sure if my major was the exact thing I wanted to do.  So when and opportunity came for me to take an internship/co-op, I JUMPED on it, and lo and behold, I was hired.  My boss then was a graduate student in my program.  A really nice woman who showed me that I was good at this, and that it was a good fit for me.  Well, just yesterday that same young woman took me to where I would be starting work tomorrow.  She showed me where to park, where to go in the building, even how to get there from my apartment.  She then took me out to lunch, and reminded me of how young I am and how I shouldn't settle for ANYTHING at this point in my life.  Apparently her office is right across the hall from where I will be working after all my training is done and everything!  Really, who would have thought life could go so much full circle?

But really, I suppose the point of this post is always keep yourself open to your friends first and foremost.  They know you, you are, who you were... and they may even have a good chance of who you will become...

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